elder care

Zumba and the Twins: What a combination!

My 72 year old aunt and her twin sister attend zumba classes at our local community center.  Gee, are they something.  I wasn't familiar with zumba until it became  part of their routines.  Each Tuesday they attend the class. After getting familiar with this exercise routine I've marveled at the fact that they attend them.… Continue reading Zumba and the Twins: What a combination!

elder care

Is it hard to balance life with elders around? YES!

Both my parents hit the 70 mark and they are facing life as elders.  Each time I see and hear what they say to me or my children I can appreciate how old they are getting.  Now a days I need to talk to them slowly, so I'm sure they understand me fully.  The days… Continue reading Is it hard to balance life with elders around? YES!